Protect Your Pets With Gentreo
We love our pets like family. Gentreo helps you protect your pets when you can’t be there for them, yourself.
Gentreo Pets in a Nutshell

Step 1: Create
We guide you through creating documents like a Pet Trust, Pet Power of Attorney, and more.

Step 2: Share
Securely share encrypted documents with those you choose from your Digital Family Vault.

Step 3: Access
You, your pet caregiver, and those you choose can access everything instantly from anywhere.

Step 4: Update
We help you keep everything up to date as life and laws change.
Gentreo Pets is a tool that enables you to take care of your pets if you can't be there yourself. We'll help you set up your legally-binding documents such as your Pet Trust, Pet Power of Attorney, and more. Keep them securely stored until the time comes with the Gentreo Digital Family Vault. There's nothing that brings more peace of mind than knowing your beloved pets will be taken care of if something happens to you.
No one knows what tomorrow brings,
but now you can be prepared.
Your Gentreo Pets Plan is just $49 for one year, and includes:
Everything you need to protect your pets
Peace of mind that your pets will be cared for
Information is securely shared and accessed in one place
All without the stress and excess cost of lawyers!

Gentreo is the web-enabled software solution that makes the financial and legal aspects of estate planning easy, fast and affordable for the over 45M American seniors and their 60M children who need eldercare and estate planning tools today.