Create An Online Will: A Newlywed’s Guide to Securing Your Future Together


Getting married is a beautiful and joyous occasion that marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. As you embark on this journey together, it’s essential to not only focus on the present but also plan for the future. One crucial aspect of future planning is creating a will, a legal document that ensures your assets and wishes are protected. In this blog, we’ll explore why creating an online will right after you’ve tied the knot is a smart and responsible step to take.

Why Do You Need a Will?

Before diving into the process of creating an online will, it’s crucial to understand why having a will is essential, especially when you’re newlyweds. Here are some compelling reasons:

  1. Protect Your Loved Ones: A will allows you to designate who will inherit your assets, ensuring that your spouse and other loved ones are taken care of financially.
  2. Guardianship for Children: If you have or plan to have children, a will lets you appoint a guardian for them, ensuring their well-being in case something happens to both parents.
  3. Avoiding Conflict: Without a will, your assets may be distributed according to state laws, which might not align with your wishes. This can lead to disputes among family members.
  4. Peace of Mind: Having a will in place provides peace of mind, knowing that you’ve taken steps to protect your family’s future.

How to Create an Online Will

Now that you understand the importance of having a will, let’s explore the steps to create a will online:

  1. Visit Gentreo: Start by learning as Gentreo has many blogs and videos to help guide you through the process.
  2. Gather Your Information: Before you begin, collect essential information such as your assets, debts, and beneficiaries. It’s also crucial to have the contact details of the executor you plan to appoint.
  3. Choose an Executor: The executor is responsible for carrying out your wishes as stated in the will. Select someone you trust, such as your spouse or a close family member, and discuss your decision with them.
  4. Outline Your Wishes: Clearly outline how you want your assets to be distributed. Specify who will inherit what, and if you have any specific instructions, make sure to include them.
  5. Include Guardianship Provisions: If you have children or plan to, name a guardian in your will. Discuss this decision with the chosen guardian beforehand to ensure they are willing and able to take on this responsibility.
  6. Digital Assets: Don’t forget about your digital assets, such as online accounts and social media profiles. Specify how you want these to be handled in your will.
  7. Witnesses and Notarization: Gentreo provides instructions on how to properly witness and notarize your will. Follow these steps carefully to ensure your will is legally valid.
  8. Regular Updates: Your life circumstances may change, so it’s essential to revisit and update your will periodically, especially after major life events like the birth of children, the acquisition of significant assets, or changes in your marital status.

Case Study: Newlyweds Secure Their Future with an Online Will

Mark and Sarah, a newlywed couple recognized the importance of creating an online will shortly after tying the knot. Their journey illustrates how proactive planning can provide peace of mind and financial security for couples starting their life together.


Mark and Sarah met in college and fell in love. After several years of dating, they decided to take the next step and got married in a beautiful ceremony in Champaign, IL surrounded by family and friends and lots of their college classmates. As they embarked on their married life, they knew that, in addition to the love and excitement, there were practical matters they needed to address.

The Challenge

Mark and Sarah understood that life is unpredictable, and they wanted to ensure that their assets and their future family’s well-being were protected. They faced several key challenges:

  1. Asset Protection: Both Mark and Sarah had individual assets, including savings accounts, investments, and personal possessions. They wanted to ensure that these assets would be distributed according to their wishes if something happened to either of them.
  2. Financial Security: The couple also wanted to guarantee that the surviving spouse would be financially secure in the event of one partner’s passing. They needed to outline how their assets would be used to support the surviving spouse.

The Solution

Mark and Sarah decided to create an online will to address these challenges. They chose Gentreo as it provides a straightforward and user-friendly platform. Here’s how they approached the process:

  1. Information Gathering: Mark and Sarah gathered all their financial information, including bank account details, investments, and personal assets. They also discussed their preferences for asset distribution and even started the conversation on if they had children, who might they name as a guardian.
  2. Executor Selection: They carefully selected Mark’s sister, Emily, as the executor of their will. Emily was well-informed about their wishes and responsible enough to handle the role.
  3. Detailed Wishes: Mark and Sarah clearly outlined their wishes in the will, specifying who would inherit what.
  4. Digital Assets: They included provisions in their will for handling digital assets, ensuring that access to online accounts and social media profiles would be managed according to their preferences.
  5. Witnesses and Notarization: Gentreo guided them through the proper witnessing and notarization process to ensure the will’s legal validity.

Results and Benefits

By creating an online will with Gentreo early in their marriage, Mark and Sarah achieved several key benefits:

  1. Financial Security: They had peace of mind knowing that their assets were protected and would support the surviving spouse.
  2. Simplified Process: The online will service made the process easy and accessible, allowing them to complete the will quickly and efficiently.
  3. Regular Updates: Mark and Sarah were reminded to review and update their will as needed, ensuring it remained current with their changing circumstances.

Mark and Sarah’s case demonstrates that creating an online will as newlyweds is a proactive and responsible step towards securing their future together. It provided them with peace of mind and a legal framework to protect their assets and their future family’s well-being. By addressing these important matters early in their marriage, they set a solid foundation for their life together.


Creating an online will right after getting married is a responsible and caring step towards securing your future together. By addressing these important legal matters, you’re not only protecting your spouse but also ensuring that your assets and wishes are handled according to your preferences. Remember, a will isn’t a one-time task; it should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in your life. So, as you celebrate your new union, take the time to safeguard your future together with a well-thought-out will.

Don’t wait until it’s too late; start your estate planning journey with Gentreo today. By doing so, you’ll not only protect your loved ones but also gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing your legacy is secure.  Click here to join now


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